The Confartigianato companies and institutions aim to provide the associated businesses and entrepreneurs / collaborators with specific services at competitive conditions.
Lombardy Institution for
Corporate Training
E.L.F.I. – Lombardy Institution for Corporate Training is the training institution of Confartigianato Imprese Lombardia, whose core business is enhancing the development of an entrepreneurial culture that allows the craft sector to follow the evolution of an increasingly crowded and complex global market.
Confartigianato Energy Consortium for Businesses
C.En.P.I. - Energy Consortium for Businesses - was founded on the initiative of the Confartigianato Territorial Associations of Lombardy and Piedmont and is part of the national network of Energy Consortia of Confartigianato.
The C.En.P.I. Consortium was created for the associated artisan companies express need to have a reliable, professional and continuous support on the subject of energy.
Conf Lombardia Servizi is the business network established in 2016 by the service companies of the territorial associations belonging to Confartigianato Imprese Lombardia.
The strategic objective is to carry out an innovative organizational restructuring process that allows to achieve economies of scale, not only in terms of cost reduction, but also in terms of planning and offering innovative services.
Confartigianato broker insurance
Artigian Broker is the broker insurance born from the partnership between Confartigianato and Assiteca, the largest group of Italian insurance brokers, to offer a free consultancy service to the associated artisan companies.
ELBA - Lombardy Bilateral Agency for Craftsmanship is the institution which represents the social partners of Lombardy craft industry to foster employment levels, through the disbursement of economic and social grants to companies and workers.
FSBA is the Bilateral Solidarity Fund of Craftsmanship, it is used to cushion the impact of crisis situations and companies’ difficulties relating to employment.
San.Arti is the Supplementary Health Care Fund for craftsmen, established with the aim of recognising supplementary health services with respect to those provided by the National Health Service.